Working on creating game



Solitude and being artistic are my salvations

Time is worth more than money. I don’t want waste my time doing bullshit jobs or meaningless operation that is just pressing “Like” or “Thumb up” buttons. It is scientifically proven that counting on how much I was tagged “Like”s affects my rewarding system. Brain chemicals such as dopamin, oxytocin, serotonin. So it is natural that we are indulging to face with smartphone.

I often mention about Schopenhauer’s philosophy. I think he was right. Solitude makes me sophisticated and helps staying flow state. As long as I’m chained with smartphone and SNS, I cannot create what I want.

Techs indeed make our live comfortable. However they also produce plagues addiction, depression, bullying, bubbling, echo chamber. Digital techs force me to use these devices as services when I do some economical activity such as payment, withdraw, deposit or invest. Yes it’s very convenient to use techs instead waiting in a line of ATM or navigation counter. Authorities try to doing unnecessary things such as crappy identification card or issues a controversial surveillance system which violates the confidentiality of transmission.

Techs can be make our life convenient but it does not mean make our live simple. It actually make our live complex. This makes my mind with messes of clutters. I don’t know mess around me is coming from such distraction or vice versa. So doing box party is one of the experiment to get rid of both mess.

Creating my game

I don’t have actual idea how to make game but I found that Godot engine is the of the best way to use power of GPU and express my feeling. It really easy to use if you are familiar with Python. I’m not Python native but Python is handy language. GDScript also have basic programming elements. If you know about tree structure, you can program it snugly.

I love to write shaders to express my imagination. Most of code is driven from papers on graphic processing, which can be found with Google Scholar, or some textbooks on 3D graphics. I try to set a goal first and then I start writing each shaders. Recently I found how do I make a blur effect. Convolution is used to make blur effect. Convolution also can be used for edge detection. We can add cell shading al

I will write a article that describe how to write post render effect with Godot engine. It’s easy to write compared to from scratch with OpenGL. We can focus upon writing shading procedure and learn how GPU works.Maybe I should write this article as PDF format to create so that I can distribute the article the other media such as Booth.
