It’s my birthday


17 June 2024

I hope this is a new hope not a despair

This is my 33th birthday. Time flows like an arrow. I think I couldn’t accomplish what I want to and need to do. As for my birthday, I decided to write articles here with twice the volume. This means I will expand web activities from now on. I don’t want to be distracted by the “Like” button anymore. I just want to write what I feel and what I want. Craving for “Likes” means the reflection that I fear I’m rejected.

So what happens when I’m rejected? It’s important to verbalize these nasty feelings precisely. This will bring me mitigation from being controlled by the system. This system is built within our brain as a reward system. Dopamin and such a brain chems are circulating our brain and it make us high, you know. Moreover mega-corporation exploit this mode of our body to change ourselves as a “counterable materials” or rather I should say slaves tethered with smartphone or SNS. It’s dystopic world.

I feel lonely and miserable to see that I’m click “Like” button absent-mindly almost everyday. And circulate brain chems when I was marked as “Heart” or “Thumb up” emoticon. What is difference between me and rat in the laboratory?

Reading plan

As for facing my solitude feeling I will read Jane Austin’s novel. Austin wrote 5 major works.

To sum up, her novel will tell me how do I grow by accepting rejections. Yes rejections are very sad and mind breaking phenomenon in our mind. But it’s a good opportunity – as our muscle get stronger by darely damagin it – to be resilient tulmutuous and VUCA situations.