Setting up a PC for creative activity


5 June 2024

New Workstation for creative activity

I just bought new personal computer for creative activity. The base computer is a little bit old but enough specification for my activity. Mostly with Blender and Music composition. This machine does not have any discrete GPU so I bought Nvidia Quadro P620. It has enough power (about 1.2 TFLOPS with floating point and 2GB of memory). I’m amazed it cosumes about 40W at this specification. Once upon time I had HD6850 its had almost same spec but it cousumed more than 100W and it was really hot when I played some Video Games.

I use N100 mini compute before this environment. It had enough CPU power but I found that it lacks of GPU power so I decide to invest new machine. I didn’t want spend more a lot of money to buy the latest rigs. I sure that they cost me about more than 1,000$. In Japanese Yen it costs about 150,000 Yen (it more than half of my monthly income).

Peak Shift Techniques

My new workstation costs less than 20,000 Yen. It’s an affordable price. Also I neet to take account in the soaring energy price. To mitigate his problem I also consider to adding peak shift techniques like using a combinaiton with strings of LiFePO4 batteries (24V) and correspoing inverters. I think I can get them also less than 20,000 Yen.

Think about to stay in the Flow state.

The following few monthes will make myself out of confort zone because there gonna a lot change in my personal life. These chunk of time prompts me have a lot of choice I need to face. It’s absolutely the source of distraction. The thing is how I can stay in deep and flow state to excert my creativity.

The important thing I need to take myself account is not to regret what I have done and it7s consequeses…
