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2 June 2024

I’m amazed that this site hits 3,000 viewers since its inception about three months ago. At first my mind was fully depressed that I cannot perceive small happiness which are available around my senses. By repeating I got well and find beauties of flowers. I didn’t think how wonderful vividness of flowers. I knew that my big brother had started photograph. It’s great instrument to save my senses into the digital format so I have also stated photography. I took a lot of mini trips to experience and save my sensibility. That motives me to go out. Thanks to this I have more time to get exposed to the sun light. It stimulates my body to produce serotonin and dopamine to get my numb brain wake up. Now I have overcame depression. I met a lot of people on my real life and the internet.

I have mostly moved that a young man had started his business and he succeed his fundraising campaign. It does mean that everyone can achieve one’s goal if his will power is distinct. Actually, the key points that my life rejuvenated is absolutely thanks to him. I appreciate him no matter how whether he cares or not and find that my purpose to work is maybe to do something creative. I reiterate that my life could be the continuation of suffering. As Schopenhauer put, one of the way to mitigate my suffering is to indulge myself something creative.

The biggest obstacle for me to have smartphone. It’s give me a lot of choice that I cannot handle. Some study find that the existence of smartphone itself distracts one’s mind. It is important to get rid of distraction aroud myself. However the social structure force me to have one. One of the examples personal authorization. They force to having SMS inbox. Or goverment also try to force me to use bull***t notorious “My Number Card”. The malice of this system is to even I take medical service I will need to have smart phone. This is totally crap thing. I don’t need such useless crap. We need to reject current administration utterly because the want create surveillance system like 1984 by George Orwell. Is this exaggarating? I don’t think so, at least I can say that as RMS says, we need to vigliant to any movement to spy on us.