Style Changed


1 June 2024


I felt I’m exhaused and sleepy. At this moment, say after I got up from bed, especially my brain goes numb. I should walk outside when I’m sleepy. I can do this if I’m out of service. But at ‘work’ I’m forced to stay a office to do something. I can’t controll my narcoleptic symptom by drinking coffee or some menthol tablets. They threaten me being sleep and go outside to take break violates ‘regulation’. But wait a minute, what this ‘regulation’ for? If they think it will mitigate losing one’s competency or productivity it is absurd and utterly pointless.

Cal Newport recently published a book Slow Productivity and I found that I should not worry about to be afraid of “doing nothing-ness”. Instead I will do some more creative and high quality output forgetting about my bias against being busy has more utility.

Dark theme

I feedbacked the color theme of my homepage to be solarized dark theme. I found that more people prefers dark theme as I expected. Some ‘Apps’ have adopted the dark theme since 5 years ago. It’s a trend rebooting 80s green with black terminals such as VT100 series. And also Matrix movie series make some meme against tranditional hackers. Yes it was visually exaggurated but protagonist uses ssh to intrude power grid system which is similiar to me.

As though it depends what type monitor we use, dark mode could be sustainable than regular light color scheme. It reduces emission of light as much as possible. Unfortunatly my monitor used LCD with florescent tube. It does not matter how dark my display is because the the luminiscence of the back light does not depend on the angle of anistropic crystal.

The price of electricity at the peak time is booming so I need to consider to use energy more wisely.

Reading “War and Peace”

I’m just reading Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”. It’s very long novel. I think my reading speed relatively improved from some years ago. The reason could be that my vocabulary has been increased enogh to read without dictionary in the most case.

In any Lanugage knowing each word is crucial to advance literacy level. I’m not saying cramming each word meaninglessly. Instead I take approach to know each word searching the etymology of a word every time I look up with dictionary.

I don’t like to force children to cramming words for bull**it “elite ladder”. Set goal and do whatever we come up with for one’s own business. Not for Shool.