
24 May 2024


I struggled stomachache throughout this week. Maybe some food hits badly in my digestion system. I need to be careful when eating something raw. The temprature is going up so it’s more possible to be strucked by food poisoning.

Looking forward new art

Yaigi san will release new omunibus manga book at the end of this week. I want to join the event in Tokyo but I need to change driver license at the same day. It’s regretting indeed. Instead I will purchase e-book as usual. I’m looking to read it.

I’m woking on new Godot san model from scratch. Modeling is almost done. On Object mode unindentified vertex is appears and I can’t get rid of it. At the rasterning pipeline there is no rubbish mesh is appeared but it make me puzzling when editing pose to create anmation.

I’m gettin used to how to use Rigify which is powerful rigging tool built in Blender 4.1. Thanks for this rigging and creating animation significantly improved.

It’s high time to create some game.