

13 May 2024

Sleepy in the daytime

Recently I’m obsessed with accute drowsiness in the daytime. I sleep well in the evening but I cannot control myself out of being myself sleepy. I need to consult my doctor how do I mitigate this symptoms well. I hope I will be better very soon.

I used to be unable to sleep well in the evening a month ago so I request my doctor to prescribe stronger sleep inducer. Recently I have improved because I return to my working place and move my body well. Commuting everyday makes myself exhausted properly,which requres pills less, I suppose.

Commiting as a translator

There is need to myself to be an translator in my community. Maybe this is the first time to try to do this. Strangely, I don’t have any obstacle or hesitation to do this.

Instead I’m excited to be get involved to help someone. It’s hard to explain in string of paragraphes. So I will record my current feeling by recording later…
