


Books to read

Title Author(s) Description
Vulkan Programming Guide Graham Sellers, John Kessenich, Dave Shreiner Comprehensive guide to learning Vulkan, covering graphics pipeline architecture, memory management, synchronization, and performance optimization.
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson In-depth exploration of computer architecture concepts, including CPU-GPU interaction, memory hierarchy, parallelism, and performance evaluation.
Graphics Programming Black Book Michael Abrash Covers graphics programming fundamentals such as rasterization, shading, and optimization techniques, complementing understanding of Vulkan.
PCI Express System Architecture Ravi Budruk, Don Anderson, Tom Shanley, MindShare Inc. Detailed overview of PCI Express architecture, including transaction protocols, device configuration, and software considerations.

VR Tips

Step Source Code
Controller Integration Oculus Integration
SteamVR Plugin
Input Mapping Unity Input System
Oculus Integration Input
SteamVR Input System
Hand Presence Oculus Hand Tracking
SteamVR Skeletal Input
Physics Interaction Unity Physics Documentation
NVIDIA PhysX Documentation
Object Interaction Unity Interactable Objects
Unity XR Interaction Toolkit
UI and Menus Unity UI Documentation
Unity XR UI Toolkit
Teleportation and Locomotion Unity XR Interaction Toolkit
Oculus Dash
Feedback and Immersion Unity Feedback Documentation
Unity Audio Documentation

Version Control


Git Subversion (SVN)
Pros - Distributed model allows for greater autonomy and flexibility
- Powerful branching and merging capabilities
- Performance and speed
- Large and active community
- Open-source and transparent development
- Centralized model is familiar and easy to understand
- Atomic commits for consistency
- Integration with existing tools
- Access control mechanisms
Cons - Steep learning curve for beginners
- Command-line interface can be intimidating
- Potential for repository bloat
- Limited offline work capabilities
- Centralized model may limit flexibility and scalability
- Performance issues with large repositories
- Limited offline capabilities compared to distributed systems

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Platform Pros Cons
GitHub - Largest community and ecosystem
- User-friendly interface
- Strong integration with other services
- Limited private repositories on free plan
- Dependency on GitHub’s availability and pricing
GitLab - Self-hosted and cloud-hosted options
- Built-in CI/CD pipelines
- Integrated issue tracking and project management
- UI can be overwhelming for beginners
- Some features gated behind paid plans
Bitbucket - Integration with other Atlassian products (e.g., Jira, Confluence)
- Supports both Git and Mercurial repositories
- Limited free tier compared to GitHub and GitLab
- Less active community
Azure DevOps - Tight integration with Microsoft ecosystem (e.g., Visual Studio, Azure)
- Comprehensive DevOps toolset
- Complexity may be overwhelming for small teams or individual developers
- Pricing can be expensive for larger organizations
GitKraken - Intuitive GUI with powerful features for Git management
- Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- Paid license required for advanced features
- Limited collaboration and project management tools
SourceForge - Long-standing platform with a history of hosting open-source projects
- Offers a wide range of version control options
- User interface feels outdated and less user-friendly compared to newer platforms
- Limited support and documentation
AWS CodeCommit - Fully managed Git service integrated with AWS ecosystem
- Scalable and reliable infrastructure
- AWS-specific features may lock users into the AWS ecosystem
- Pricing can become expensive for larger repositories


Platform Description Cons
Apache Subversion (SVN) Official website for Apache Subversion offering resources for hosting and managing SVN repositories. - Requires self-hosting, setup, and maintenance
- Limited collaboration features
Assembla Collaboration platform offering SVN hosting along with tools for issue tracking, code review, etc. - Limited free tier and features
- Less user-friendly compared to some platforms
Beanstalk Version control hosting platform supporting both Git and SVN repositories. - Focuses more on Git and may have fewer SVN-specific features
VisualSVN Commercial SVN server software for Windows environments with enterprise-grade features. - Windows-only platform
- Requires purchase of licenses for certain features
Springloops Web-based version control and deployment platform supporting SVN repositories. - Limited free tier and features
- Less comprehensive collaboration tools
RhodeCode Enterprise-grade version control platform supporting both Git and SVN repositories. - May be complex for smaller teams or individual developers


Process Git Command SVN Command
Clone a Repository git clone <repository-url> svn checkout <repository-url>
Check Repository Status git status svn status
Stage Changes for Commit git add <file> svn add <file>
Commit Changes git commit -m "Commit message" svn commit -m "Commit message"
Update Working Copy git pull svn update
Push Changes to Remote Repository git push svn commit -m "Commit message"
Create a Branch git branch <branch-name> svn copy <source-url> <destination-url>
Switch to a Branch git checkout <branch-name> svn switch <branch-url>
Merge Branches git merge <branch-name> svn merge <branch-url>
View Repository History git log svn log


I want to know the story of the video game called Doom 3. ChatGPT “Doom 3” is a first-person shooter video game developed by id Software and released in 2004. It is a reboot of the “Doom” series, which is known for pioneering the first-person shooter genre. In “Doom 3,” players assume the role of a space marine stationed on Mars who must fight off hordes of demons unleashed by a scientific experiment gone wrong.

The game is set in a research facility on Mars owned by the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC). The player’s character, known as the Marine, arrives at the facility just as a demonic invasion begins. As the Marine navigates through the facility, he encounters various monsters and demonic entities, including zombies, imps, and hell knights.

“Doom 3” is known for its dark and atmospheric environments, as well as its intense and fast-paced gameplay. Players must use a variety of weapons, including pistols, shotguns, and plasma rifles, to fend off the demonic forces and survive.

The game received critical acclaim upon its release for its graphics, sound design, and immersive atmosphere. It was praised for its intense action and challenging gameplay, although some criticized its linear level design and lack of innovation compared to previous entries in the series.

Overall, “Doom 3” is considered a landmark title in the first-person shooter genre and remains popular among fans of the series and the genre as a whole.

User So please, more details about the story of the Doom 3. ChatGPT In “Doom 3,” players assume the role of a space marine known simply as the Marine, who is assigned to the Union Aerospace Corporation’s (UAC) Mars Research Facility. The game is set in the 22nd century, where the UAC has been conducting experiments on Mars, including teleportation and advanced weapons research.

As the Marine arrives at the Mars facility, he quickly learns that something has gone horribly wrong. Demonic forces have been unleashed due to a teleportation experiment gone awry, leading to chaos and destruction throughout the facility. The Marine must navigate through the dark and foreboding corridors of the facility, battling hordes of demons and undead creatures as he tries to uncover the truth behind the invasion.

Throughout the game, the Marine encounters various characters, including UAC personnel and other survivors, who provide information and assistance as he fights his way through the facility. Along the way, he uncovers evidence of the UAC’s experiments with demonic forces and the sinister motivations behind them.

As the Marine delves deeper into the facility, he discovers that the demonic invasion is part of a larger plot orchestrated by the forces of Hell to invade Earth. The Marine must confront increasingly powerful demons and navigate treacherous environments, including Hell itself, as he races against time to stop the invasion and save humanity.

The story of “Doom 3” is told through in-game cutscenes, audio logs, and environmental storytelling, creating a dark and immersive atmosphere that draws players into the world of the game. It is a tale of survival, heroism, and the fight against overwhelming odds in the face of unspeakable evil.

User So what was so significant about Doom 3’s graphics? ChatGPT “Doom 3” was significant for its groundbreaking graphics, particularly its use of advanced lighting and shadowing techniques. The game utilized a proprietary graphics engine developed by id Software called the id Tech 4 engine, which was capable of rendering highly detailed environments and characters in real-time.

One of the key features of “Doom 3” was its dynamic lighting system, which allowed for realistic lighting effects such as dynamic shadows, volumetric lighting, and specular reflections. This created a dark and atmospheric ambiance that enhanced the game’s horror elements and immersive storytelling.

The game also featured detailed textures, realistic physics simulations, and advanced particle effects, further adding to its visual fidelity and realism. The graphics in “Doom 3” were considered state-of-the-art at the time of its release, pushing the boundaries of what was possible in terms of visual fidelity and immersion in a video game.

Additionally, “Doom 3” was one of the first games to showcase the potential of modern graphics hardware, helping to drive demand for more powerful graphics cards and gaming hardware. Its impressive graphics and technical achievements set a new standard for graphical fidelity in video games and influenced the development of future titles in the industry.

User So who was mostly involved in the development of the DOOM3? ChatGPT “Doom 3” was primarily developed by id Software, a renowned video game development studio based in Texas, United States. The game was directed by Todd Hollenshead, with John Carmack serving as the lead programmer and technical director. Other key members of the development team included artists, designers, and programmers who worked together to bring the game to life.

id Software is known for its pioneering work in the first-person shooter genre, having created iconic titles such as the original “Doom” series, “Quake,” and “Wolfenstein 3D.” With “Doom 3,” the team aimed to reinvent the franchise for a new generation of gamers while pushing the boundaries of graphical fidelity and immersive storytelling.

In addition to id Software, “Doom 3” was published by Activision, one of the largest video game publishers in the world at the time. The collaboration between id Software and Activision helped to bring the game to a wider audience and ensured its success upon release.

Overall, “Doom 3” was a collaborative effort involving the talented individuals at id Software, as well as the support and resources provided by Activision as the game’s publisher.

User So what is the mathematical way to express the 3D worlds in Doom 3? ChatGPT In “Doom 3,” the mathematical representation of 3D worlds is achieved through the use of a rendering engine, specifically the id Tech 4 engine developed by id Software. The id Tech 4 engine utilizes various mathematical techniques and algorithms to create and render 3D environments in real-time.

One of the key mathematical concepts used in rendering 3D worlds is vector mathematics, which is used to represent positions, directions, and transformations of objects in three-dimensional space. Vectors are used to define the geometry of objects, such as vertices, edges, and faces, as well as to perform transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling.

Another important mathematical concept used in rendering 3D worlds is rasterization, which is the process of converting vector-based geometry into pixel-based images for display on a screen. Rasterization involves determining which pixels on the screen are covered by each object in the scene and then applying lighting, shading, and texturing effects to each pixel to create the final image.

In addition to vector mathematics and rasterization, “Doom 3” also utilizes various other mathematical techniques and algorithms for tasks such as collision detection, visibility culling, and physics simulation. These mathematical concepts and algorithms work together to create the immersive and visually stunning 3D worlds that players experience in the game.

User So, what was the significant technology which is adopted in the DOOM 3? ChatGPT One of the significant technologies adopted in “Doom 3” was the id Tech 4 engine, developed by id Software specifically for the game. The id Tech 4 engine introduced several groundbreaking features and advancements in graphics technology that set a new standard for visual fidelity in video games at the time.

Some of the key technologies and features introduced in “Doom 3” and powered by the id Tech 4 engine include:

Unified lighting and shadowing system: “Doom 3” utilized a dynamic lighting system that allowed for realistic lighting effects such as dynamic shadows, volumetric lighting, and specular reflections. This created a dark and atmospheric ambiance that enhanced the game’s horror elements and immersive storytelling. Advanced rendering techniques: The id Tech 4 engine featured advanced rendering techniques such as bump mapping, specular mapping, and per-pixel lighting, which contributed to the game’s high level of visual fidelity and realism. Real-time dynamic shadows: “Doom 3” was one of the first games to feature real-time dynamic shadows, allowing for realistic shadowing effects that enhanced the game’s immersion and atmosphere. High-resolution textures and detailed environments: The id Tech 4 engine allowed for the creation of highly detailed textures and environments, including complex geometry, realistic materials, and intricate environmental effects. Optimized performance: Despite its advanced graphics capabilities, the id Tech 4 engine was optimized for performance on a wide range of hardware configurations, ensuring smooth and responsive gameplay even on lower-end systems. Overall, the adoption of the id Tech 4 engine in “Doom 3” represented a significant leap forward in graphics technology, pushing the boundaries of what was possible in terms of visual fidelity and immersion in a video game.

User Could you give me some point of paper about the advancement of the technology in the Doom 3 era? ChatGPT Certainly! Here are some key points about the advancement of technology during the “Doom 3” era:

Graphics Rendering: “Doom 3” showcased significant advancements in real-time 3D graphics rendering, with features such as dynamic lighting, shadowing, and realistic material rendering. This era saw the development of advanced graphics engines capable of rendering highly detailed and immersive environments. Hardware Acceleration: The release of “Doom 3” coincided with advancements in hardware acceleration technologies, including graphics processing units (GPUs) capable of rendering complex scenes and effects in real-time. These advancements enabled the creation of visually stunning games with realistic graphics and immersive gameplay experiences. Physics Simulation: “Doom 3” and other games of its era also benefited from advancements in physics simulation technologies, allowing for realistic interactions between objects and characters in the game world. This era saw the integration of physics engines into game development pipelines, enabling developers to create more dynamic and interactive game worlds. Networking and Multiplayer: The “Doom 3” era also saw advancements in networking technologies, paving the way for more immersive multiplayer experiences in video games. This included the development of dedicated multiplayer modes and online matchmaking services, allowing players to connect and compete with others from around the world. Sound Design: “Doom 3” demonstrated advancements in sound design and audio technology, with immersive 3D audio effects and dynamic soundscapes that enhanced the game’s atmosphere and immersion. This era saw the development of advanced audio engines and middleware, enabling developers to create more realistic and immersive audio experiences in games. Overall, the “Doom 3” era represented a period of rapid advancement and innovation in technology, with significant improvements in graphics rendering, hardware acceleration, physics simulation, networking, and sound design. These advancements laid the foundation for the development of more sophisticated and immersive video games in the years to come.

User So, please explain the development of GPU. ChatGPT The development of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) has been a key driver in the advancement of computer graphics and visual computing technology. GPUs are specialized processors designed to accelerate the rendering of images and graphics-intensive tasks, such as gaming, video playback, and scientific simulations.

The evolution of GPUs can be traced back to the late 20th century, when computer graphics began to play an increasingly important role in various industries, including entertainment, design, and research. Early GPUs were relatively simple and were primarily used for basic graphics rendering tasks, such as displaying 2D images and rendering simple 3D graphics.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the demand for more powerful and capable GPUs grew rapidly as computer games became more sophisticated and realistic. This led to the development of dedicated graphics processing units with specialized hardware and software optimized for 3D graphics rendering. Companies such as NVIDIA and ATI (later acquired by AMD) emerged as leaders in the GPU market, introducing innovative technologies and architectures that pushed the boundaries of what was possible in terms of visual computing.

Throughout the 2000s and 2010s, GPUs continued to evolve at a rapid pace, with each new generation delivering significant improvements in performance, efficiency, and feature set. Key advancements during this time included the introduction of programmable shaders, which allowed developers to create more realistic and dynamic graphics effects, as well as the adoption of parallel processing architectures, which enabled GPUs to handle increasingly complex computations in real-time.

Today, GPUs are essential components in a wide range of computing devices, from gaming consoles and personal computers to mobile devices and data centers. They play a critical role in powering immersive gaming experiences, accelerating scientific simulations, and enabling advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and autonomous driving.

Looking ahead, the development of GPUs is expected to continue, with ongoing advancements in areas such as ray tracing, machine learning, and real-time rendering set to further push the boundaries of what is possible in visual computing.

User So when is a programmable shader adopted in GPU? ChatGPT Programmable shaders were first adopted in GPUs in the early 2000s. NVIDIA introduced programmable shaders with their GeForce 3 series of graphics cards, which were released in 2001. These graphics cards featured a programmable vertex shader, allowing developers to define custom transformations and manipulations of vertices in real-time.

Shortly after, ATI (now AMD) followed suit with their Radeon 9700 series of graphics cards, released in 2002. These cards introduced a programmable pixel shader, which enabled developers to define custom rendering algorithms and effects for individual pixels in real-time.

The introduction of programmable shaders marked a significant advancement in GPU technology, as it allowed developers to create more realistic and dynamic graphics effects than ever before. With programmable shaders, developers could implement complex lighting, shading, and texturing effects, leading to a dramatic improvement in the visual quality and realism of computer graphics.

Since then, programmable shaders have become a standard feature in GPUs, and their capabilities and flexibility have continued to evolve with each new generation of graphics hardware. Today, programmable shaders are an essential component of modern GPUs, powering a wide range of graphics effects and rendering techniques in video games, simulations, and other graphics-intensive applications.

User So how does the user-created program is passed on to the GPU? ChatGPT User-created programs for GPUs, such as shaders, are typically written in high-level programming languages such as HLSL (High-Level Shader Language) for DirectX or GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) for OpenGL. These shader programs are then compiled into a format that is understood by the GPU.

The process of passing user-created programs to the GPU involves several steps:

Shader Compilation: The shader program written by the user is compiled into a binary format that can be executed by the GPU. This compilation process is typically done by the graphics driver on the user’s computer. Loading into GPU Memory: Once compiled, the binary shader program is loaded into the memory of the GPU. This memory is known as the graphics memory or VRAM (Video Random Access Memory). Binding to Rendering Pipeline: The shader program is bound to the rendering pipeline of the GPU, specifying which stage of the rendering process it will be executed in. For example, vertex shaders are responsible for processing vertex data, while pixel shaders are responsible for processing pixel data. Execution: When the GPU receives rendering commands from the CPU, such as drawing a 3D object or rendering a scene, it executes the bound shader program as part of the rendering process. The shader program manipulates the input data (vertices, textures, etc.) according to the instructions provided by the user, producing the final output that is rendered on the screen. Output: The output of the shader program is typically stored in a framebuffer, which represents the final image that will be displayed on the screen. This framebuffer can then be sent to the display device for rendering. Overall, the process of passing user-created programs to the GPU involves compiling the shader code, loading it into GPU memory, binding it to the rendering pipeline, executing it as part of the rendering process, and producing the final output that is displayed on the screen.

User So, previously Mori explained about how does the data is transferred to GPU. What framework is used? ChatGPT The framework used for transferring data to the GPU depends on the programming environment and the specific graphics API being used. In the context of game development and real-time graphics programming, some of the common frameworks and APIs used for transferring data to the GPU include:

DirectX: Developed by Microsoft, DirectX is a collection of APIs designed for multimedia and gaming applications on the Windows platform. DirectX provides a set of high-level interfaces for interacting with graphics hardware, including APIs for rendering 2D and 3D graphics, as well as APIs for audio, input, and other multimedia tasks. For transferring data to the GPU, DirectX provides interfaces such as Direct3D for rendering 3D graphics and Direct2D for rendering 2D graphics. OpenGL: OpenGL is an open-source graphics API widely used for rendering 2D and 3D graphics on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. OpenGL provides a set of low-level functions for interacting with graphics hardware, allowing developers to create custom rendering pipelines and perform advanced graphics tasks. For transferring data to the GPU, OpenGL provides functions such as glBufferData and glBufferSubData for managing buffer objects, which are used to store vertex data, texture data, and other types of data used in graphics rendering. Vulkan: Vulkan is a low-level graphics API developed by the Khronos Group, designed to provide more direct access to graphics hardware compared to higher-level APIs like DirectX and OpenGL. Vulkan offers greater control and flexibility for developers, allowing them to optimize performance and efficiency in graphics rendering. For transferring data to the GPU, Vulkan provides mechanisms such as memory allocation and memory mapping, which allow developers to manage memory resources and transfer data between the CPU and GPU. Graphics Middleware: In addition to low-level graphics APIs like DirectX, OpenGL, and Vulkan, many game engines and graphics middleware solutions provide high-level abstractions and utilities for transferring data to the GPU. Examples include Unity, Unreal Engine, and CryEngine, which offer built-in tools and APIs for managing graphics resources, loading assets, and transferring data between the CPU and GPU. Overall, the framework used for transferring data to the GPU depends on factors such as the programming environment, platform requirements, and specific needs of the application or game being developed. Different frameworks and APIs offer different levels of abstraction, control, and performance optimization for graphics programming tasks.

User Could you explain more about the Baogang framework? Is it used in Godot Engine? ChatGPT I’m not aware of a “Baogang framework” in the context of graphics programming or game development. It’s possible that you may be referring to a specific framework or technology that I’m not familiar with, or there may be a misunderstanding.

As for the Godot Engine, it is an open-source game engine that provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for developing 2D and 3D games. The Godot Engine uses its own custom framework and scripting language called GDScript, which is designed to be easy to learn and use, while also providing powerful capabilities for game development.

In Godot Engine, developers can create scenes, objects, and assets using a visual editor, and then write scripts to define the behavior and interactions of those objects. The engine handles many aspects of game development, including rendering, physics simulation, audio playback, input handling, and more.

While Godot Engine does not use DirectX, OpenGL, or Vulkan directly, it does provide support for rendering 2D and 3D graphics using OpenGL ES 3.0 on mobile platforms and OpenGL 3.3 on desktop platforms. Additionally, the engine supports a variety of other graphics features, including shaders, materials, lighting, and post-processing effects.

Overall, while I’m not familiar with a “Baogang framework,” Godot Engine is a popular and powerful game development tool that provides its own framework and tools for creating games. If you have any specific questions about Godot Engine or game development in general, feel free to ask!

User I’m sorry, I’m not saying the Vulkan framework. It’s an API such as OpenGL or DirectX. So I know more about Vulkan. Could you explain about that? ChatGPT Of course! Vulkan is a low-level graphics API developed by the Khronos Group, an industry consortium that creates open standards for graphics and computing. Vulkan is designed to provide developers with more direct control over the graphics hardware compared to higher-level APIs like OpenGL and DirectX.

Here are some key features and characteristics of Vulkan:

Low-level API: Vulkan is a low-level API, meaning that it provides more direct access to the graphics hardware compared to higher-level APIs like OpenGL and DirectX. This allows developers to have greater control over the rendering pipeline and to optimize performance and efficiency for their specific needs. Cross-platform: Vulkan is designed to be cross-platform, meaning that it can run on a wide range of devices and operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. This makes it a versatile choice for developers who want to target multiple platforms with their applications. Explicit control: Vulkan requires developers to explicitly manage resources and state, including memory allocation, synchronization, and command submission. While this can be more complex than higher-level APIs, it allows for greater flexibility and performance optimization. Efficiency: Vulkan is designed to be highly efficient, with minimal overhead and resource usage. This makes it well-suited for applications that require high performance and scalability, such as real-time graphics rendering, virtual reality, and scientific simulations. Parallelism: Vulkan is designed to take advantage of modern multi-core CPUs and GPUs, allowing for efficient parallel processing of graphics and compute tasks. This enables developers to leverage the full capabilities of modern hardware and achieve higher levels of performance. Overall, Vulkan is a powerful and versatile graphics API that offers developers more direct control over the graphics hardware, as well as improved performance and efficiency compared to higher-level APIs like OpenGL and DirectX. It has become increasingly popular among game developers, graphics programmers, and other professionals who require high-performance graphics rendering and computing capabilities.

User So what is the benefit to directly access the graphic cards by the Vulkan? ChatGPT Directly accessing the graphics hardware through Vulkan offers several benefits for developers:

Performance Optimization: Vulkan provides more direct control over the graphics hardware, allowing developers to optimize performance for their specific application or use case. By eliminating overhead and inefficiencies present in higher-level APIs, developers can achieve higher frame rates, reduced latency, and improved overall performance. Efficient Resource Management: Vulkan requires developers to explicitly manage resources such as memory, synchronization, and command submission. This allows for more efficient use of resources, reducing waste and maximizing the performance of the graphics hardware. Scalability: Vulkan is designed to take advantage of modern multi-core CPUs and GPUs, allowing for efficient parallel processing of graphics and compute tasks. This enables developers to leverage the full capabilities of modern hardware and achieve higher levels of performance and scalability. Platform Portability: Vulkan is designed to be cross-platform, meaning that it can run on a wide range of devices and operating systems. By directly accessing the graphics hardware through Vulkan, developers can create applications that are portable across different platforms without sacrificing performance or efficiency. Advanced Graphics Features: Vulkan provides access to advanced graphics features and capabilities that may not be available in higher-level APIs like OpenGL or DirectX. This includes features such as multi-threaded rendering, asynchronous compute, and explicit control over pipeline stages, allowing developers to create more complex and visually stunning graphics effects. Overall, directly accessing the graphics hardware through Vulkan offers developers greater control, performance, and flexibility compared to higher-level APIs, making it a powerful choice for applications that require high-performance graphics rendering and computing capabilities.